Astonishing vigor!
Locations throughout the United States, papercut, 34” X 43”

In much the same way as circus posters herald the arrival of the big show, I’ve created this ‘poster’ to herald the arrival of the election in November. Throughout the fall, these will be traveling to locations throughout the western states, encouraging passers-by to vote, and reminding them of the power of this simple act of democracy.

Since creating the papercut, they have been printed into smaller posters by a civic minded citizen. Getting the posters made has increased the scope of the project: As of now, I am sending posters to Oregon, Washington, all over California, Arizona, New Mexico, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia/DC/Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Lots of college campuses, libraries, bookstores. Contact me if you'd like to participate, and put some up. I have 22" X 28", as well as 11" X 14".

La Puebla de San Jose de Guadeloupe mural
Phantom Galleries, San Jose, CA

The mural is inspired by the stenciled walls of the Sanctuario de Jesus Nazareno de Atotonilco, near San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Unable to afford lace for the sanctuary, the artist stenciled decorative lace with paint made from cactus juice, resulting in a much more permanent work.

In San Jose, funding for the arts, and the cultural life of the city have ebbed at the same time. This mural is part of Phantom Galleries, an effort to revive some of that cultural life, by reviving various abandoned storefronts. Represented in the repeating panels are scenes from four stages of San Jose’s history; the Ohlone indians, the spanish missions, early statehood, and Silicon Valley. Cesar Chavez, the Hubble telescope, Junipero Serra, and even Dionne Warwick make an appearance.


rick jones -
© 2004 // jaz designs